
UN Women joins the United Nations Secretary-General and other UN entities in voicing grave concern at the continuing violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, particularly the targeting of civilian populations and killing of innocent people, including women and children.

Domestic violence in Iraq is by no means a contemporary issue but a phenomenon with deep-rooted historical implications associated with life pressures and commitment to the values and traditions based on the masculinity of all life aspects of the society.

Get ready for the Generation Equality Forum, the most important global convening for gender equality actions and investment in a quarter-century. The Forum will kick-off in Mexico City in March and culminate in Paris this year.

A glossary outlining the many forms of violence against women and girls, along with other commonly used terms.
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“Ana Al Iraqiya” is a song produced on International Women’s Day 2022 to celebrate the progress and achievements of Iraqi women and highlight the important roles Iraqi women play to support their communities. This song was inspired by the work done by UNWomen.
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UN Women providing psychosocial and legal support to 1,100 vulnerable women in Kabarto camp and host community in Duhok in partnership with Baghdad Women Association.