UN Women reiterates commitment to Yazidi survivors at Sixth Lalish Conference


UN Women reiterates commitment to Yazidi survivors at Sixth Lalish Conference
UN Women Iraq Representative, Ajay Madiwale with Dr. Khanzad Ahmed, addressed the Sixth Lalish Conference for Peace and Coexistence in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).

25 June 2024, Erbil: UN Women Iraq Representative, Ajay Madiwale, addressed the Sixth Lalish Conference for Peace and Coexistence in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), along with Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Ministers of Interior and Endowment and Religious Affairs, the German General Consul Klaus Streicher, the Secretary-General (SG) of the Iraqi High Council for Women and Development (HCWD) Dr. Khanzad Ahmed, and other national and international officials. The conference provided an opportunity for participants to reflect on issues related to peace and coexistence in Sinjar, the 10th anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide and preventing sexual violence in times of conflict.

The SG of the HCWD, Dr. Khanzad, elaborated on the main aim of the conference: “Ten years after the Yazidi Genocide, we want to understand the situation in Sinjar. What are the conditions for the survivors, individuals and the community?”. She also informed that the HCWD's work strongly focuses on improving the situation of women survivors within the Women Peace and Security (WPS) framework.

Speaking on behalf of KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, KRG Minister for Endowment and Religious Affairs, Pshtiwan Sadq, emphasized the importance of implementing the Sinjar agreement with the support of the Iraqi Government and the international community and facilitating a safe return for Yazidi survivors to their places of origin.

Meanwhile, on behalf of President Abdullatif Rashid, the Iraqi Presidency’s General Director Sagvan Murad held a speech, expressing gratitude to the organizers for hosting a conference that serves as a platform to review past events and take joint action to prevent the recurrence of tragic events by referring to the Yazidi Genocide.

Additionally, the General Consul of Germany, Klaus Streicher reaffirmed his country’s commitment to providing support to Yazidi survivors and combatting sexual violence in conflict. He also recognized the need to support victims in overcoming trauma’s, acknowledging the essence of providing mental health services.  

In his speech, UN Women Iraq Representative Madiwale highlighted socio-economic and psychological challenges that Yazidi survivors are facing which increase their marginalization in society. He further emphasized the importance of providing sustained assistance, improving social norms and strengthening social cohesion to advance the reintegration process of survivors.  Madiwale also urged to raise awareness in Yazidi communities on accountability efforts and their participation in legal processes, as part of a survivor-centered approach.

“Conflict-related sexual violence stems from structural inequality between men and women. Addressing these issues is essential for any long-term solution. We must collectively work to further localize the women’s rights agenda.” Madiwale added.

Madiwale concluded his speech by outlining UN Women’s contributions to women Yazidi survivors by raising awareness and providing direct economic and psychological support services to survivors, including through the implementation of the Second Iraqi National Action Plan on WPS and in close cooperation with Yazidi women-led organizations.