Violence against Women in the Iraqi Society: A Legal, Judicial and Statistic Study

Domestic violence in Iraq is by no means a contemporary issue but a phenomenon with deep-rooted historical implications associated with life pressures and commitment to the values and traditions based on the masculinity of all life aspects of the society.
The manifestations of domestic violence continued and aggravated throughout time. For many decades, the Iraqi family has suffered from fragile, confused and insecure environmental circumstances, which made it an incubator for the appearance and growth of new forms of violence in both the family and society, especially after the events of June 2020 when Iraq faced a series of shocks and bad circumstances represented by the control of ISIS terrorist groups over more than one third of the area of Iraq. This was accompanied by waves of displacement of over four million people, a rise in unemployment rates which amounted to 28% in 2017, and a rise in poverty rates which reached 41% in the regions occupied by the terrorist organizations.
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